Training servers released for Premium accounts!

If your team is going to play in the league, you can already enjoy one of the advantages of the Duality Premium plan before the league even starts! The CS:GO training servers.

How does the training server work?

The training server is a dedicated server for your team to train. It has several modes (Warmup, Tactical, Grenades, Retake, Team match (bo1, bo3 and bo5) and 30 rounds mode) and you can select the mode you want to use directly from the server using chat commands.

The server also allows the entry of coaches, has map veto in match mode, pause functionality and a mode for training grenades in which your team can save the pixels of grenades so that your teammates learn everything they need to do an entry into a TR bomb, a CT advance or retake.

While other servers on the market place multiple instances of CS:GO servers on the same machine, our servers are on different virtual machines, having a dedicated hardware resource for each instance. This means that you will not experience lags at peak times, when a lot of people are using it at the same time, as happens on other competitors' servers.

How much does Premium cost?

The Premium plan is on sale for R$ 20.00 and even subscribing now you only start paying from the 04/15. That is, you can already enjoy the training servers even before the league starts and paying only close to the start of the league.

How do I subscribe?

You can subscribe to Premium by clicking here.

As soon as you subscribe, on our portal a button will appear to request the server setup. Just fill in the form and we will release the server for you.

What are the restrictions?

The only restriction to use training servers is that releasing them requires at least 5 team members with Premium. If you prefer, you can subscribe to the training server only, for R$89.00 per month.

You can check all the details of the plans and instructions for signing up by clicking here.

Final message

The Premium plan was designed for those who want to play seriously and evolve in the CS:GO scene. Training servers can help teams a lot to evolve and the league has been thought out in every detail to bring the safest environment possible for the players. We care about you! We care about the community!

Come be part of the CS:GO community revolution! We count on you in the Duality League on April 25st. Come with us! Together we are stronger!